A transformer for Hydro Power Stations is one of the largest equipment manufactured by SVEL Group, with the power of 630MVA and the weight of 300t. Shipment from Yekaterinburg to Krasnoyarsk Hydro Power Station tool almost two weeks: first, on board of a special 40-meters railway carriage intended for oversized cargoes, and then by 92-wheeled trawl vehicle.
The general upgrade of Krasnoyarsk Hydro Power Station commenced in 2020, as part of New Energy Upgrade Project by En+. For Hydro Power Plants. Their aim is to improve reliability and quality of power supply for consumers in the Siberian Regions.
The transformer is equipped with a state-of-the-art gas analyzer and monitoring system. Now all the necessary information about the equipment systems is obtained in real time that is critical for trouble-free sustainable operation. The delivery and installation of this transformer boosts reliability of the power plant equipment and the entire power system.
Evgeny KomissarenkoGeneral Manager, Krasnoyarskaya Hydro Power Plant