April 11, SVEL Group hosted 2023 Russian Railways Innovation Day at one of our production sites. This event was participated by numerous experts from Transenergo, Sverdlovsk and South Ural Divisions of Sverdlovsk Railway Innovation Center, Technical Politics Service, as well as Transport Power Supply Department of the Ural Railway University, and SVEL experts. The event started with the panel titled Technical Solutions for Russian Railways Power Supply, Innovation Potential and Imports Phase-out, where the urgent issues on quality improvement and power supply reliability were discussed.
SVEL experts passed along the specifics of the company goods, and their development to fit into the strategic tasks of Russian Railways, walked through the completed and current projects.
After the sessions, all visitors were invited to the oil-immersed transformer production site, with detailed explanation of each manufacturing operation.
Since 2009, SVEL Group delivers electrical equipment to Russian Railways Company, to ensure their needs in traction and power substations, along with the general railways infrastructure.