SVEL Transformers Ensure Continuous Power Supply for Livestock Breeding Complex in Altai Territory


Rumelko-Argo Livestock Breeding – a new complex in Zarinsky District, Altai Territory – shall house all the necessary infrastructure both for breeding and agronomical modules, agricultural machinery and grain elevator to store the food reserve.

This site shall introduce the best practice of automation, environment friendly and food safety, while SVEL’s distribution transformers will ensure trouble-free and secure power supply for the whole complex. In September 2022, seven dry-type cast resin transformers are delivered in a variety of power rates: 100kVA to 2,500kVA. These transformers can withstand high overloads, while demanding the little possible maintenance, if any.

Currently, commissioning and installation of the principal components are underway, meanwhile the fall-seeded crop spices are prepared and live stock is placed. To complete preparation and reach the full capacity of the site – 30 thou tons of milk per year – is anticipated in the middle of 2023.

SVEL Group has been cooperating with agricultural companies since 2010. Since, over 1,000 pieces of equipment have been successfully delivered to various agricultural sites.